Branko Lustig:
Testimony of a Survivor

Branko Lustig:
Testimony of a Survivor

10. Festival tolerancije Zagreb, Kino Europa

Check out a part of the lecture:

Branko Lustig, a Holocaust survivor and president of Festival of Tolerance, will hold a lecture about his own experience from the concentration camps of Nazi regime.  It must serve as a warning to the future generations.

He will try to convey to the participants his rich life experience and the message of need for forgiveness and love towards others and respect for every individual. The concept of Educational mornings has shown itself as extremely effective example for conveying experiences of the past with the aid of modern .... for that is the only way to help prevent the repeat of crimes. It is through the medium of film (Secrets of War) as the introduction to the testimony that a special rapport is established with the audience.

Learning and remembering must not stop.


The project is co-financed from the Europe for citizens fund - EACEA European Remembrance, Anna Lindh Foundation and Ministry of sciencem education and sports. 

Registering for Educational Morning

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