How much would you know about war suffering if not for photography?

How much would you know about war suffering if not for photography?


Tony Vaccaro, an infantryman from the Second World War

By using a $47.00 portable 35mm camera, UNDER FIRE filmed one of the most comprehensive and intimate war records in thousands of images, often developed at night, wearing helmets. Although on a par with the great war photographers of his time, Tony kept these photos locked away for decades and now, at 93, he has yet to get his due. Kino Tuškanac will screen this feast for eyes on 11 April at 7.15 PM followed by a discussion under the title “War Reporting or How to Manipulate Public Perception” moderated by Jasmina Popović to bring attention to the importance of documenting events, role of documentaries in the creation of public opinion and people behind the camera who are risking their lives to tell us the truth which is so easy to manipulate with. She will also introduce our renown guests who will share their experiences with the audience (Srđan Vrančić, photographer for Cropix,
Zoltan Kabok, war reporter for the Croatian Radio and Television and
Nedžad Haznadar, media expert).

Udruga Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb je korisnica institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge
Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb Vojnovićeva 15, HR-100000 Zagreb OIB:04338763558
Tel: +385 91 503 1136
copyright Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb