Edukacijsko jutro:
Educational Morning: A Testimony of the Survivor

Edukacijsko jutro:
Educational Morning: A Testimony of the Survivor

Kino SC

The 13th Tolerance Festival continues with its Educational Mornings aimed at familiarizing young people with the tragedy of the Holocaust in a way that is understandable to them, through the medium of film and testimonies by persons who were, at their age, discriminated against and detained only because of their origin.

Through the study of the Holocaust, students can understand the value of the need to foster and protect democratic values and understand the significance of tolerance. Through discussions and the exchange of opinions, young people realize that accepting diversity and respecting difference is the only acceptable way of life in the modern world.

The value of the Educational Mornings is all the greater due to the fact that the number of living Holocaust survivors in Croatia is dwindling, with only a handful of those who talk to young people about their experiences.

This year’s Educational Mornings will show the short documentary animated film 5105, A Story of an Escape from Mauthausen, after which the students will get the chance to hear the first-hand experience of a Holocaust survivor,  Vesna Domany Hardy.

Spain, 2017, 29’

In January 1941, Mauthausen and Gusen became Nazi concentration camps with a Category III, meaning “without return”. Death was the destiny of every prisoner sent there. More than 7000 Spanish citizens passed through the Mauthausen camp. One of them, Agustin Santos, deportee number 5105, created an escape plan with two other prisoners, to explain the world the horror they lived in. Till this moment, nobody could escape alive from a German extermination camp. The animated short film 5105, a Story of an Escape from Mathausen is the report of this escape.

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