Doku recommendation!

Doku recommendation!


The fastest growing Jewish community today is the one in Berlin. Germany is considered as one of the most democratic countries in the world and practically the moral leader of Europe. This development was impossible to imagine in 1945. Through their persona stories, Germans and Jews investigate the transformation of German society, from the past times and silence about the Holocaust to a direct confrontation with it. Suddenly, we are faced with a nuanced story about reconciliation. Something that started as a private conversation between film producers and friends, Tal Recanati (Jewish) and Janina Quint (gentile German), has developed in a cultural exchange that takes place among many people and an unbreakable connection with the Holocaust remembrance. You can see this documentary at Kino Tuškanac on 9 April at 6 PM!

Udruga Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb je korisnica institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge
Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb Vojnovićeva 15, HR-100000 Zagreb OIB:04338763558
Tel: +385 91 503 1136
copyright Festival suvremenog židovskog filma Zagreb